Kristy's Spoken Word

Kristy's Spoken Word


Hi....I'm Kristy...and this is my blog...a place that I come to share what is on my mind and on my heart at the time. You are more than welcome to follow along with me. Hope that maybe there is something that you read here that touches your heart or moves you in some way. Seems it has taken me a lifetime to find my voice...and now that I have....I intend to use it. Live life large...and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To Just Be

"Deep within each of us is a desire to be...
To just know...
To be free... to be....
To live...and let live...
To not be judged or labeled...
Nor to be criticized or belittled...
Nor to be made to feel as though...
Somehow we just don't measure up...
To a standard that is so far out of reach ...
That the goal is absolutely un-obtainable...
Deep within each of us is a desire to be...
To just be... ourselves....
And for that to be enough.

Kristy Turnage

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Words

There are times that it flows...The words that just come
When it is not only necessary but manditory to let it all go
Each word taking on such power and meaning
Revealing the most intimate details of my soul
Putting pen to paper gives such a sense of release
Of this unforeseen weight...the burden of which... only I can feel.
As word for word is written... it is only at that moment that I can finally breath
It's also at that moment that the burden is finally being lifted
And I can take the breathe that has been so stiffled before this moment.
And finally exhale...

Kristy Turnage3/2/2009

No Words

Sometimes there are just no words...

None...that even come close....

Close to being heavy enough....

Heavy enough to relay the weight...

The weight that sits so heavy on my heart...

Sometimes there are just no words...

It is at those times that only the tears can relay...

The weight of the burden...

And speak the unspoken....

Kristy Turnage
