Kristy's Spoken Word

Kristy's Spoken Word


Hi....I'm Kristy...and this is my blog...a place that I come to share what is on my mind and on my heart at the time. You are more than welcome to follow along with me. Hope that maybe there is something that you read here that touches your heart or moves you in some way. Seems it has taken me a lifetime to find my voice...and now that I have....I intend to use it. Live life large...and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

All in Me.

Pen to paper...
Unsaid to said...
Thought to form...
From beginning to end...
Weighted the long awaited exhale...
It's all here...
A world of words...
Captured in me...
Some already known...
Some a mystery...
Waiting to be brought to life...
Some in part...
Some complete...
Some in pieces....
But all in me.

Kristy Turnage


There is Purpose....Even in the Pain.

I placed a call to a friend today...heart so heavy...ever have one of those days?...Really feeling the weight of it...felt as though the weight of the world was on my shoulders...this burden that I carry...
No longer hurting for me...but for those that I know... are out there...suffering at the hands of many many much pain...So today I just needed to hear that voice...that voice that puts things in the right perspective...I guess I thought (selfishly) that she would make me feel better...I needed to step out from under the cloud for just a minute...and no fault of her own...she just didn't have time...busy with her own duties...fighting her own battles... dealing with the very injustices that move me to tears...wasn't even able to share what was on my to sit and think...I realized...that my heart is tender for a reason...we are supposed to be moved by the pain of others...I immediately thought of one of my favorite movies..."The Secret Life of Bees"...I always was so drawn to the character of "May"...seems she was the one that always "felt" the pain of others...moved to tears...can I be honest?...I have even at times...thought myself weak...for being so tender...but today I realized that having a heart for the hurting is a strength...not a weakness...there is always a purpose...even in the pain...we are all called to make a difference in the lives of others...a positive change...a voice for those that have no advocate...a hand out-reached to those that are in need of so much more than just a hand-out...I can only speak for me...when I say's time to raise the standard...its time to stand for those that are no longer able to stand alone...what that means for me...I'm not even sure...I just know this...I am thankful that there is purpose....even in the pain.
Kristy Turnage

What I Want for You...

There comes a point in life when you have to decide for own yourself...what it is that you stand for...what you know to be true...what you believe...what you know is right...There also comes a point in time that you have to step back and really examine your own self....look at your own actions...recognize the example that you your those in your inner well as those you encounter occasionally...I want my children to see in me...the very things that I want to see reflected in their lives...and that is strong enough to stand on your own two feet...grounded enough in who you are to not be swayed by the criticisms of those that their words are only meant to tear down...not build up...brave enough to face their fears head-on...wise enough to surround themselves with people that are smarter...courageous enough to be willing to stand alone if necessary for what is right...perceptive enough to see the hurt in someone else's eyes without that person ever having to share it...tenderhearted enough to be compelled to help those in need...determined enough to stay on point...focused...unmovable in the face of obstacles...tenacious in fighting the good fight...merciful to that person that needs mercy...forgiving of those that do them wrong...striving to always take the higher road and be the bigger person...even when it hurts to do do all that they do with a spirit of excellence...and to be thankful in all things.

Kristy Turnage